Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Abby!

one of my best friend is having her birthday today! since I'm not in Jakarta, I can't give you any surprise for your birthday by, so I would like to write you a post in my blog! hehe
Happy Birthday my dearest, Abirianty Priandani Araminta. I wish you all the very best for everything in your life. semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, makin dewasa, enteng jodoh, diberi kemudahan buat semuanya, trus suatu hari akan menjadi dokter yg baik, amin. hehe kalo lo uda jadi dokter, gue diskon yak hihi.

I've known you since junior high school and I know that you are really a good person. you are kind, smart, and super trustworthy! walau suka keceplosan sometimes hihi but its okay I trust you a lot. Just keep being abby yg gue kenal dari dulu hehe. Really wish all the best for you by, and lastly, here is my favourite line from a wonderful book you gave to me, though we may be many miles apart, the ribbon of your friendship binds my heart. Its true dear,
Take care abby! I love you and I will see you soon my best :)

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